What's goin' on
Monday, April 14, 2008
No posts for the last while as there's been an awful lot of Schtuff happening lately. What with multiple Bank Holiday weekends, laying turf in the back garden myself, a baaaaaaad dose of flumpiness and my Granny not being well, the blog has not exactly been top of the agenda.
Soz about that.
Just to keep you in the loop, I am thinking about doing a spot of job hunting. Actually, "thinking" is probably a bit too strong; I'm more wondering about considering to maybe do a spot of job hunting. The commute is beginning to really get on my wick and a job in Dublin city centre would probably knock an hour and a bit off my journeying every day.
The other thing is [not to get all concieted on you, like] I feel like I'm being wasted where I am. At least I feckin' hope I'm being wasted here. It'd be pretty terrible to discover that actually Junior Accounts Receivable Assistant is all I'm good for..!
Of course, I should just get up off my arse and get stuck in.
And I will. Right after I finish this cup of tea and admire my long fingers.
Labels: Me me me
At 3:31 pm, April 14, 2008,
Anonymous said…
If you send your CV to a recruitment company, they'll do the job hunting for you :)
At 8:55 pm, April 14, 2008,
Rachel@fairycakeheaven said…
Go for it Lynnie girl!! I haven't looked back since I moved!
At 12:11 pm, April 23, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Egads, I find my commute exhausting enough and I work at the LUAS stop at Jervis. I mean I work in a building at the LUAS stop in Jervis, not at the actual stop, though there seems to be great money made by scummy types hanging around ticket machines. And I was relieved of my wallet a while back too. Nice! Anyway, it would definitely be a step in the right direction for you. Dublin is a pain to get through if you're not working somewhere central, then you're adding your fixed commute time from Heuston to Port as well. Hard going!
At 10:19 am, April 24, 2008,
Unknown said…
Deise, I currently work out in the wilds of Donnybrook - takes me nearly as feckin' long to get from Heuston to there as it does to get all the way from Port to Heuston!!!
Wonder is there an opening for a lurker at the Jervis LUAS stop... ;)
At 3:23 pm, April 24, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Yeah I remember when you told me you go out to Donnybrook every day. I thought "eek!" I know you can get on a bus at Heuston but it's still no fun sitting in traffic. I used to work on Fitzwilliam Square in my old job and if I was going to Kerry/Waterford for a weekend I'd have to allow around 45 minutes to get to Heuston (sometimes it would take 20 but you'd never be sure of that!)
Hmm 2 pigeons are trying to get it on on the window ledge across from my office. Bill Oddie eat your heart out!!
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