Oopsie - but also yaysie!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
We were in the South of France, dahling, for a week in the middle of July and then I was getting ready for My Driving Test - which I passed on Friday, huzzah!
I was particularly relieved because my little sister had just gotten hers the day before on her first outing; I was going to be pretty effing peeved if I didn't pass mine on my second go. On foot of that, I'm getting €115 back from my insurance company and have sent away for my new pink licence which will have a surprisingly decent passport-sized photo of yours truly affixed to it. I wholeheartedly recommend The Photo Centre in Naas for all your actually-I'd-rather-not-look-like-a-greyfaced-alien-freak-in-my-10-year-licence-or-passport-pic-thanks needs.
More news later this week, hopefully, but ta ta for now!
Labels: Me me me
At 2:16 pm, August 07, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Well done with the driving test!
How was France?
At 3:25 pm, August 07, 2008,
Unknown said…
Aw, thank you very muchly!
France was brilliant, had only ever been once before to Paris but we did a good bit of travelling while we were there this time. Based ourselves in Nice which is tacktastic in spots but very pretty in others; we were staying near the port which was lovely. We visited the likes of Monaco & Monte Carlo, Villefranche sur Mer, Cannes, and St. Tropez; we'd a car for two days so got to go a bit deeper into Provence and visit little medieval villages and a vinyard which was just gorgeous.
I'd definitely go back to France but maybe not the Cote d'Azur which at times feels very Mediterranean-y - now I know that sounds stupid because it's on the Med but I was expecting it to be a bit more different to other places in the region.
Oh yeh and I'd learn a bit more French if I ever go back!
At 8:14 pm, August 14, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Ah just read this - that's brilliant news Lynnie, fair plays to ya!
*uber jealous*
At 3:50 pm, August 15, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Congrats on passing the driving test! God knows when I'll be in a fit state to even think of applying for mine...vroom vroom, what's that car doing weaving up and down Station Road?! T'is me!
BTW I am pretty sure I saw you on the train on Thursday - the "late" train (you know, 8.04am, what a great lie in!!). You or your lookalike was sitting across from me but then got up at Kildare and moved to the next part of the train. Was my stalkervision operating correctly?
At 12:49 pm, August 26, 2008,
Unknown said…
Thanks Annie, thanks Deisegirl!
Er yeh that was me on the train alright, changing carriages in Kildare like a total moron. God, I'm so morto that you saw that! *Burns with shame*
BUT there is method to the madness: I like to be up at the top of the first section of the 0804 when it pulls into Heuston and leggit out to try and catch the 46E bus that leaves between 0855 and 0900, but of course I'm never actually at the station in Port early enough to board the front carriage...
Nicely done with the stalkervision!!! But how the feck did you know me without my carnation and copy of The Times?
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