"Recent Comments" is on the blink
Thursday, August 07, 2008

Oh, I was so excited when I first stuck up and customized my lovely "Recent Comments" widget. There had been problems with it on and off, when some readers could see it but others couldn't depending on their OS and browser and where the moon was in relation to Jupiter and all the rest. Now, however, it seems to be kaputt an awful lot of the time. I've had a fiddle with it and tried a few different tweakings but to no avail.
It seems that I'm in good company at least; it looks to have recently been acting the mick for Homebug and Design in Dublin too. Sorted for them now though, the lucky divils.
Anyways, you can still leave an oul' comment simply by clicking on the pink "X number of comments" link at the bottom of all posts that underlines itself when your cursor hovers over it. And even if you've never commented before or don't really "do" blogs, I'd love to hear from you. Honest to God, there's nothing to be afraid of, tis dead easy!
1. Type your thoughts in the box provided ("Your blog's too pink", "Who the f*ck is Boris?", "Are you watching that Fáilte Towers yoke?", whatever)
2. Blogger throws up a random sequence of characters for you to copy into the field provided - this is just to verify that you're a real person and not a robotic spamming machine!
3. Decide whether you want to be a nameless stalker type by selecting "Anonymous" as your identity or click "Name/URL" to make yourself and your blog or site (if you have one, just leave it blank if not) known
4. Click "Publish Your Comment"
Et voilà!
And, fingers crossed, I'll get "Recent Comments" back up and running perfectly very soon so your comments can be displayed in all their glory in the sidebar :D
(Darragh, the man behind one of my favourite blogs and who I should really sort out a link to, has two excellent posts on the subject if you fancy some more in-depth reading about how to leave comments. Check them out here and here.)
Labels: Housekeeping
At 4:04 pm, August 07, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Good post! Yeah, stupid "Recent Comment" widget does my head in. I just ignore my own and am pleasantly surprised the once in a blue moon when it does work.
At 7:36 pm, August 07, 2008,
Unknown said…
Thanks for the visit & coment missus :)
Himself is in A Very Big Huff that I didn't ask him to look at and fix mine as soon as it started playing up (he did computer science-y stuff in college) oops!
At 7:38 pm, August 07, 2008,
Unknown said…
Ah Jaysis... you'd think I'd be able to spell "comment" after all the giving out I've been doing about them today!
At 9:52 am, August 10, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Yay...new posts, thank you! And congrats on the driving test, you must be delited:-)
At 11:36 am, August 11, 2008,
Unknown said…
Hee hee Purplegirl you made me write them!
Oh *so* relieved that the driving test is done and dusted, still waiting on my lickle pink licence to come out so I can rip down the L plates and have a proper burning ceremony ;) And I'm getting €114 back from my insurance crowd which is nice!
At 8:42 pm, August 14, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Methinx the insurance money should go on summat bubbly and/or new gúna for the ceremonial tearing down of L-Plates!!
I finally got 2 got to rip mine off last year after 5.5 years driving (the shame) and 3 tests....the feckin 'L' is still imprinted on my windscreen to this day!!!
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