See, *this* is why my house isn't Finished...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Anyone who knows me will be able, no doubt with a roll of their eyes, to attest to the fact that I am inclined to be wildly distractable. I'm also inclined to over-think things. I think (har har) this is why I'm an absolute terror for taking too many things on at once, and nowhere is this more evident than on the home front. The only room that actually looks finished in our gaff is the sitting room, and even it isn't *quite* there yet. There are pictures and photos to be hung over the couch. The room could probably do with a mirror over the mantlepiece. Two of the speakers of Himself's surround sound yoke have yet to be mounted on the walls. There is a certain (possibly sideboard shaped) je ne sais quoi missing from the alcove to the left of the fireplace.
And that's the room that's closest to being done! I won't get into the nearly-there kitchen units, half-painted kitchen walls, or still-to-be-wallpapered wall in the dining room. Let's not mention the stairs which needs at least one more coat of paint to finally take it from pine to pristine white, or the guest bedroom that was painted a gorgeous Farrow & Ball grey and got a purple acrylic chandelier but is now filled with a
Have we just moved in, you wonder? How long are we living there? Oh, just over 2 years...
As ever, though, I have a plan. Himself and I will both tackle the stairs some weekend (unheard of - usually I like to do these decorating things myself to make sure they're done right) so that it's ready to take a runner - when we do eventually find one we can agree on. That's job Numero Uno, since it's the first thing people see when they come in the front door.
Speaking of which, must finish painting the inside of the front door.
Himself will then be charged with putting up those bloody speakers (power tools job, lots of noise and dust - right up his street) while I finally finish the kitchen presses. This was the first job I tackled when we moved in so it's absolutely shameful that it's still ongoing. Althouuugh... excellent daylight is really a prerequisite for tackling the painting of the doors and surrounds as well as the actual kitchen walls, so winter is maybe not the greatest time to be getting gung-ho about finishing the project for someone who's after perfect results. Might pop that on the back burner until the weather picks up.
The spare bedroom can't really be sorted out much until we get a not-just-a-mattress-on-the-floor bed in there, which won't be happening until we get a new bed for our own bedroom and shunt the old one into the spare room. However, I have yet to find a bed that I like and until that happens, progress upstairs will continue to move at a slower pace than would generally be desirable.
The worst thing is, I don't even want a fancy bed for our room!!! I basically just want a cheap, not too high, off-the-floor box (divans give me the creeps) with no headboard whose legs you can't see or else are a bit ornate. To that I'm planning to add an upholstered mid-height square headboard of my own creation. This is harder to find than you'd imagine: most platform beds either come complete with an integral headboard or extend stupidly beyond the width and length of the matress, at exactly the right height to cut the shins off me. (Seriously, I could be in an aircraft hangar usually used to house C-5s with a small desk in the centre, and I would still manage to walk full tilt into the bloody thing.)

Well, it's either that or start building a bed completely from scratch, and frankly I'm not sure either of our carpentry skills are really up to it... just don't tell Himself!
Labels: House + Home
At 9:12 pm, January 21, 2009,
Anonymous said…
I know what you mean about the spare room. Ours perpetually has a huge mound of (my) clothes on the bed, lots of mess and things which really need to be thrown out, but I somehow never get the time (read: couldn't be arsed) to do.
I like the Ikea bed!
At 11:27 am, January 27, 2009,
Anonymous said…
After nearly 18 months in the house we finally got our dining room "sorted". Not in any kind of decoration wise because the thought of painting or wallpapering alarms me, but we now have a dining room table and chairs and a nice big sideboard/display case thingy. Only displaying Lidl wine glasses at the moment mind you! I keep looking into the room to see if I've dreamt that we got the furniture. V happy :-) It was always the "junk room" but now the box room is the official junk room, clothes horse and all.
At 10:37 am, January 28, 2009,
Unknown said…
Aphrodite, that's def the worst thing about our spare room too - it's all my clothes/shoes/junk so no-one to blame but myself!
Deise, yay you with the Proper Dining Room! And displaying Lidl wine glasses is perfectly legit & actually I think you should leave them there - that way, you'll always have a bit o' glassware on show and when you get yourself some of those fishbowl-sized wine glasses you needn't put them out for all to see ;)
At 3:04 pm, February 09, 2009,
Anonymous said…
boyfriend came back from Kerry last week with a box full of oh so delicately wrapped faberge wait, some of that Wedgewood crystal that Dunnes were doing a few years back with tokens if you spent a certain amount...
I have broken so many glasses in my time it's not funny so even though these glasses are not expensive per se, I am afraid to touch them. BUTTERFINGERS!!!! :p
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