It's just that there's a recession on the radio...
Monday, February 16, 2009

So rather than go to bed at a reasonable hour last night, I stayed up re-arranging the contents of my wardrobe to see what I could see. Mostly, I saw that I own *a lot* of jeans, but I did come across a few tops that I'd been unable to find for feckin' ages and came up with quite a few new clothing combinations. And today, while the tiredness has compounded the effects of a cold I'm smothering with so that my throat feels full of rusty razorblades and my sinuses are absolutely thumping, my wardrobe is looking trés organised. Previously I've always grouped garments by type but last night I decided to go maaaaad altogether and do it by colour, and display pairs of shoes with one shoe facing out and one facing in, so that I can see heel height at a glance. I managed to pull out a fairly together outfit today (black fishtail pencil skirt, black opaque tights, coral scoop neck 3/4-sleeved top, purple v-neck cardi, black patent skinny belt with bow, black round toe platform shoes with terrifyingly high heels, black hairband with trio of black rectangular jewels, purple flower ring) so it's working well so far!
While determined not to be buying New Things for myself, I am not quite so resolute when it comes to Boris (our Westie), so a spot of online browsing this morning has led to there being a red Sense-ible harness and a hopefully snazzy co-ordinating red and black lead en route for him. Ah well, at least it was money spent in an Irish shop!
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