Sure what's 45 days between friends?
Monday, December 07, 2009
It's now 45 days since I left work.
Jesus, that seems like a scarily long time ago.
*Goes back over to calendar.*
Ok, it's been 30 working days.
That's not much better.
Anyway, not a day - working or otherwise - has gone by that someone hasn't asked me what I'm planning to do or what I'm up to or what's next or have I applied for a job yet or would I not think about teaching.
The latter is Mam, apparantly refusing to give up on the dream of having one daughter on the wards (my sister's a nurse) and one in the classroom (yeh, I've been a huge disappointment since 2000 in that respect).
The truth is, I'm mostly just enjoying not having to travel up and down to work everyday, and playing with the dog, and doing house-y (but never housewife-y, got it?) things. The week before last, I painted the hall, stairs and landing, we got carpet on the stairs (I wanted a runner, but the dog likes to descend the steps hugging the wall and wasn't able to manage on the bare wood), landing and bedrooms, and Dad came down to give me a hand with getting lining paper up on the wall in the dining room. Last week, I finished painting the kitchen cupboards. Over the weekend, once Himself recovered from his Christmas party, we did a load of gardening.
Sure it's pure hectic around here.
When I initially decided to take the time off, my half-baked idea was to try and do some more writing. Apart from the occassional update here and my bit of work for, that hasn't quite got off the ground yet.
Maybe I should put that desk together...
Labels: Me me me
At 4:01 pm, December 07, 2009,
kelly said…
ehh you make it sound like you haven't been doing much, shir when would you have time to write with all that DIY, I was tired reading it!
No rush esp with xmas round the corner, maybe when you've the desk done in the NY you can get down to writing properly..are you planning a booky wooky?
At 4:28 pm, December 07, 2009,
Unknown said…
Ha ha thanks Kelly :D
Not planning a booky wooky unfortunately, I wish lol!!!
At 8:15 pm, December 07, 2009,
Anonymous said…
You should tell your Mother that teaching is a vocation and for people who possess the innate skills and inherent aptitude for the profession ie. not for every Tom, Dick and Harriet on a career break -Disgruntled Teacher
At 9:56 pm, December 07, 2009,
Unknown said…
Hi Anonymous/Disgruntled Teacher, thanks for your visit and for taking the time to comment.
At 8:52 pm, December 09, 2009,
deisegal said…
It's great that you're getting around to all the house-y stuff. Commuting just swallows up so much time and you just feel like you're on a hamster wheel boohoo!!
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