Giving it lashes, Nicola-stylee.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Decided to take some new false eyelashes for a drive today - playing with beauty stuff always cheers me up - and thought you might like a peep at them.
These are the "Nicola" lashes from the collaboration between Eyelure and Girls Aloud, worn here with an extremely fine line of black liquid liner just to even out the lash line. (Ha - I sound like a L'Oréal ad disclaimer!)
You’ve probably read about these Girls Aloud eyelashes, or tripped over a stand of them in Claire’s Accessories or New Look or Debenhams or Boots or the local farm supply place. They’ve been widely available for the last couple of months, and because each pair of lashes is really quite different but wearable-looking I dithered and dithered and dithered over which set to buy… and then my sister came along and got me the gift set of the whole lot of them as part of my birthday present.
Nice one.
Nicola's lashes might appear well OTT in the packaging – they’re by far the longest and featheriest-looking of the bunch – but I actually think they’re not too mad looking once they're on. They’re tapered, so shorter at the inner corners than at the outer corners, and while they mightn't exactly look completely natural they're flirty without being too obvious. (I think. Although generally I am a "more is more" sort.)
Individually, these lashes go for about €6 a pop, and you should get lots of wear out of them if you treat them right. Just carefully and gently remove any old eyelash glue using a tweezers after each wear, making sure you don’t accidentally crimp the lashline which can ruin the shape of the lashes.
And, obviously, don’t pull out any of the lashes themselves.
Now I’m usually a bit of an eyelash glue snob, but since I’ve run out of my Duo Adhesive I just used the Eyelure glue supplied in the pack which seems to be working fine. I’ve been wearing them for a couple of hours now and no sign of a budge.
I’ll let you know if they end up in my pancakes later on.
Labels: Beauty
At 8:43 pm, February 16, 2010,
Anonymous said…
loves them but I cannot put them on..have a pair of nadines & ended up ruining my eyemakeup & face makeup trying to put them on so havent tried since...sob sob! kelly
At 8:47 pm, February 16, 2010,
Unknown said…
Oh no Kelly! :(
At 10:12 am, February 17, 2010,
likemamusedtobake said…
Bought these at the start of December and decided to put them on for a night out. The right one went on perfectly and I was only delira with myself. The left one was a completely different stort. Kept falling off so I eventually had to give up and then pull (ouch) the very intact right one back off and re do my eye make up. Really want to try them again but the memories of that night still haunt me. *sobs quietly in corner*
At 12:27 pm, February 17, 2010,
SJ said…
KIMBERLEYS are the best :-) I love them .. can't put them on either have my sisters or mam do it for me most of the time .. dunno what i will do when no one is around !! maybe bring them and the glue out in my bag and get someone in the loo to do it .. ha ha
At 2:24 pm, February 17, 2010,
Unknown said…
Daiseeboo, that happens me all the time when I'm going out. So annoying. If I'm just arsing around the house & decide to feck a few lashes on, they're perfect. If I've a bit of time to get them on for a night out, one'll be spot on and the other will end up glued to my elbow or something. Feckin' typical.
LOL sarah-jane!
At 3:18 pm, February 17, 2010,
Aoife - Babaduck said…
I bought the Kimberley ones before Christmas but that damn glue just didn't stick them down for me. Twice I got them on, only for them to detach halfway down the bloody road.
At 5:33 pm, February 17, 2010,
AislingAislingAisling27021990 said…
Hi Lynnie! Big fan, never knew you had your own blog! following... x
At 5:35 pm, February 17, 2010,
AislingAislingAisling27021990 said… Stupid B button on the blink
At 3:02 pm, February 18, 2010,
Anonymous said…
i've given up on the fake lashes. i bought about 10 pairs on the way back to lux from ireland at christmas and have ruined 4 packs now so am giving them to my friend. the tantrums these bloody things invoke are so hellish that my poor hubby now scarpers at the mere mention of falsies haha. Dawnie
At 4:40 pm, February 22, 2010,
Unknown said…
Baba, I better not chance wearing those ones out til I get some Real glue, so...
Makeup By Ash, helloooo and welcome! Thanks a mill for the follow :)
Dawnie, have an image of you in my head now pulling a Rumplestiltskin in the midst of a huge pile of false eyelashes while the hubby hides ;)
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