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Monday, February 15, 2010
I've been taking a bit of time out from posting here as my Granny passed away last Wednesday.
I spent almost every weekend and all of the summer holidays staying with her in Wexford when I was growing up, listening to Radio 1 and drinking oceans of tea and making teeny tiny mouthful-sized mini loaves of the best brown bread ever from the dough left over from the full-sized versions she was baking.
Imagine the best soda bread you've ever tasted... and now imagine it a thousand times more delicious. Well, that's getting somewhere close to how good Granny's stuff was.
She taught me to write - I still remember making armies of swans on paper for the number 2 - and to ride a bicycle and countless other things I didn't fully appreciate at the time.
I'll be remembering them all while having lots of tea and wishing she was here to put manners on the dog.
Forget that Cesar Milan fella. She'd have left him in the ha'penny place.
Labels: Me me me
At 12:52 pm, February 15, 2010,
Rachelle said…
So sorry to hear that Lynnie.
Sending virtual hugs your way.
Mind yourself xx
At 1:27 pm, February 15, 2010,
Anonymous said…
mind youself pet, its a hard time isnt it but as you said if you can sit down and remember the good times then thats a lovely way of remembering her and celebrating her memory. sending giant sized hugs your way xx Dawnie
At 1:28 pm, February 15, 2010,
Anne-Marie said…
Really sorry to hear that Lynnie - hope you're ok x
At 10:47 am, February 16, 2010,
Unknown said…
Thanks ladies x
At 8:45 pm, February 16, 2010,
Anonymous said…
so sorry to hear your sad news lynnie..sounds like she was a ledge & im sure you've lots of lovely memories xxx kelly
At 12:47 pm, February 17, 2010,
xgirl said…
Really sorry to hear this - take care x
At 2:48 pm, February 17, 2010,
Unknown said…
Thanks kelly, thanks xgirl x
At 3:01 pm, February 17, 2010,
cathyfly said…
Hi Lynnie, I missed this news last week, hope you're OK. Sounds like you have some great memories of your Granny. Catherine xx
At 3:25 pm, February 17, 2010,
Aoife - Babaduck said…
You poor love - she sounded like a very special lady with a granddaughter who adored her very much. Hugs & kisses xxxx
At 4:33 pm, February 22, 2010,
Unknown said…
Thanks so much cathyfly & baba x
At 10:18 pm, February 23, 2010,
Hermionec said…
I missed this Lynnie but my sympathies on your loss. Massive cyberhugs to you D xx
At 2:57 pm, February 24, 2010,
Unknown said…
Hermione, thanks a mill x
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