Soz peeps!
Friday, October 03, 2008

1. I wasn't well (blub!) on Monday so was home sick and, frankly, I did not wish for my attire that day to be documented.
2. My family arrived down to us on Tuesday. Between desperately trying to tidy the house (the Sis was bringing the new boyfriend down for his first visit, and Mam is a terror for housework so she'd be trying to do it for me while I'm trying to get her to sit down and have a coffee and feckin' relax) and entertaining, the evening was a write-off from a time-for-photo-taking perspective;
3. I was late home on Wednesday and then the battery in the camera died and I was so fed up that I just wanted to hop in the shower and leave the day behind me so wasn't arsed rooting around for the charger and waiting for it to come back to life to take a pic.
4. Himself was cruelly struck down with man flu yesterday so I was playing nurse all evening. (Also, I still wasn't arsed to go looking for the charger for the camera battery.)
Lots and lots of comments in spite of my shameful lack of posting which is really nice of you all, thanks a mill!
Hopefully, "normal" service will resume on Monday, although I think this will be a short-lived enterprise (I am running out of clothes that you haven't already seen at a rate of knots) but in the meantime, can anyone explain to myself and Kitty Cat what the feck one can wear other than jeans in the winter?!
At 11:40 am, October 07, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Heh my brother and wife recently became the proud owners of two beautiful ginger kittens. I only saw them for the first time at the weekend and when they were looking up at me with their big eyes I kept thinking of that expression from Puss in Boots. So cute! :)
Sorry, not much to do with your post really.....
At 11:57 am, October 07, 2008,
Unknown said…
Sure random comments are my favourite kind!
Aw those kittens sound adorable, I love little furries! We were minding a 10-week-old black and brown Jack Russell pup for a few hours on Friday evening & I didn't want to give him back.
How is your eye after your attemped gouging in Waterford? ;)
At 12:15 pm, October 07, 2008,
Anonymous said…
lynnie im thick i swear. I couldnt understand how your "blinds" post didnt pop up when i clicked on your page. Then i remembered about 20mins later that it was ages ago wasnt it?!
Im only getting used to being in the house on my own the last couple of months. When we first moved in and hadnt decorated i used to run home to mammy when the other half had an overnighter,
Im finally starting to think of my house as "home" if you know what i mean.
At 12:59 pm, October 07, 2008,
Unknown said…
Yep Rox it was this time last year which is hard to believe!!!
I'm just a scaredy cat & have an awful overactive imagination, like for days after I saw "I Am Legend" I was very irrationally afraid of crazed zombies lepping in through the windows..!
At 1:10 pm, October 07, 2008,
K said…
Argh, I have that zombie fear all the time. Especially when I started driving, going along country roads at night I was convinced I hit some wandering zombie feckers. Even the ones in Shaun of the Dead freak me out.
At 1:12 pm, October 07, 2008,
K said…
Oops, I mean convinced I WOULD hit. Not convinced I hit. I didn't actually hit any zombies...really...
At 1:36 pm, October 07, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I watched silance of the lambs last week and for a few days afterwards i was a bit jumpy in the mornings in the house after dropping the other half to the train station! Silly what an over active imagination can do!
Like i was really in danger of a serial killer on the loose in Athy!! :)
At 4:35 pm, October 07, 2008,
Unknown said…
OMG - I hadn't seen any of your recent posts, but I am trying to break out of the jeans wearing habit myself at the moment! But of course with the rain today I couldn't think of anything else, so I went back to them, over flat leather Camper boots which are the most practical for days like today, but really look better with skirts or dresses...
Anyhoo, I'll make sure to keep reading in case you happen to crack the big mystery of what to wear if not jeans for me :)
At 4:40 pm, October 07, 2008,
xgirl said…
Oh I appear to have been messing around with my account too much in an attempt to change my email address, so that was me above :)
At 1:50 am, October 08, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Not manflu, some sinister bio weapon struck me down.
At 12:26 pm, October 08, 2008,
Anonymous said…
The one time of year I don't wear jeans or trousers at all is winter! Although maybe this is because I have a giant aversion to wearing heels with jeans (is it supposed to be dressy or casual? It just looks wrong) so when I wear jeans in wet weather, ts with flats and the ends get drenched.
I generally wear A-line skirts, opaque tights and boots/heels to work all winter long.
At 8:39 pm, October 08, 2008,
Unknown said…
Zee, I find skirts are the hardest thing to make an "outfit" of! This may be partly because most of my skirts are summer holiday affairs, other than that I've a few black numbers that only seem to look right with black, which always looks a bit funereal.
Ooooooooh althoooouuugh - I'm just remembering that I have a sort of taupe knee length a-line one... and a lovely chocolate-brown/plum prom-style one in a kind of vaguely iridescent material with a tiny wee bit of visible netting at the hem... Zee you have inspired me to go dig them out & see if I can put anything with them!!!
At 1:33 pm, October 10, 2008,
Anonymous said…
My "reserve" contact lenses are not up to the task at all at all..have ordered a brand new pair but no sign of them yet...tick tock! I have to leave the lenses out for the weekend anyway because I need a sight test and apparently the lenses I wear (RGP) are bad for distorting your vision when you're not wearing them, i.e. it takes your eyes a while to adjust to not having them in. I need to get some driving practice in as I haven't been out in ages. I presume I'll be ok with glasses but if you see a maroon ford focus weaving up and down Station Road tomorrow you'll know who it is :)
At 2:02 pm, October 10, 2008,
Unknown said…
Ha ha Deise I'll keep the dog on a tight lead on his walkies over the weekend so ;)
At 2:35 pm, October 23, 2008,
Anonymous said…
hi lynnie.. i've always worked somewhere that i could wear jeans and they are such an easy option.. but i've also found that river island or topshop do great smart trousers [pinstripe or wide leg etc] that are good if you've a meeting.. mind you, don't ask me about skirts! i don't wear them!
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